Thursday, December 12, 2013

Are US$30 a page translations a good deal? Read on

We are quite aware that a few of of our competitors are advertising translations for US$27 and US$30 a page. Some matters should be considered before you entertain the validity of such offers.

One would assume that translations for US$30 a page mean that every page would be charged this amount, irrespective of word count. At least, one implies that from such ads. The reality is quite the other.

All such sites impose a condition - the low price applies to documents that are 250 words or less. That would mean very short documents, such as a birth certificate, a drivers license etc. That is not what their ads say, or the landing pages of some sites. Their intent is to get you on their page, and then flip flop on you.

Many birth certificates have more than 250 words, and some of then have less than 250 words, but two pages! For the 2 pager with less than 250 words, the company would then charge you US$60.00! That is, more than we charge. Not only that, some companies charge an additional US$10.00 to issue documents on paper (!), and US$10.00 for mailing. Thus, this 2-pager (advertised for US$30.00) would cost a whopping US$80.00, whereas, with our company you would be paying only US$56.00, including priority mail.

Adding insult to injury, a lot of these companies issue so-called summary translations, based on pre-prepared templates. These are often rejected by the Immigration and other entities. We prepare the full text of the translation, including any remarks, we do not use templates.

Other companies make the text run longer than 250 words, by describing stamps with very long descriptions. Others charge for notarization on the side!

As for the exclusive use of electronic translations, as opposed to paper documents, we beg to differ on the information that electronic documents are widely accepted. Most agencies, including the USCIS, insist on paper documents. And that is why the company is charging an additional US$10.00 for the paper document. That is based on our 31 years of experience in this field

You, as a consumer, must weigh your risks before doing business with any company.

At Legal Translation Systems you will get your birth certificate translated for US$50.00 (plus mail, if applicable):
- irrespective of the number of pages of the birth certificate
- irrespective of the number of words of the birth certificate
- you will get the paper document at no additional charge, and if you want, a PDF by email for free
- our price includes notarization by a Notary in good standing;
- the notary and translator are not the same person
- full text translated, not templates.

As for other one page documents, in our long experience in this business we have seen 1 page documents with as many as 1000 words, depending on the nature of the document! Powers of attorney run at least 600 words a page, and transcripts can be more than 500 words a page. Their US$30.00 or US$27.00 a page soon becomes US$72.00 a page!

However, because you have landed on their site, you might end up doing business with them!

So, be careful, weigh your options. Do not be fooled by switch and bait techniques.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Certified translations of documents for investor visas in Miami

A good number of foreign individuals is taking advantage of the offer of investor visas, for residence in the USA. Such visas do require the investment of a sizable amount of money in a USA business. Those interested are advise to seek an immigration attorney, who will provide guidance concerning the law, and the procedures to be followed, in addition to expected timelines.

A large number of documents may be required in support of an investor visa application. If such documents are in a foreign language, then a certified translation by Legal Translation Systems, or your vendor of choice, might be necessary. Among other reasons, the authorities want to ascertain the origin of the funds.

Documents that might be required include -

- Personal documents such as birth certificates of all persons covered under the visa, marriage or divorce certificates;
- Bank account statements for a number of months, up to one year. Some bank statements can be summarized. We will provide currency conversion from a reputable source;
- Investment account statements for a number of months, up to one year. Some investment statements can be summarized. We will provide currency conversion from a reputable source;
- Income tax returns for a number of years to be advised by your attorney;
- Business registration;
- Business bylaws and articles of incorporation;
- Letters from banks, accountants;
- Contracts that corroborate some or all income;
- Financial statements from companies.

And any other document that might be required by the Department of Homeland Security.

Once you have your entire documentation, you may send a pdf of the documents We do prefer that you put all documents into a single PDF.

You may also fax documents to (212) 786-7241, or, if you want to send copies of the documents by mail, send us an email, and we provide the address. Please and only regular copies of these documents. WE DO NOT RETURN DOCUMENT COPIES, unless proper postage is paid for in advance.    

We provide Certified translation of documents for Investor visas services to clients from the following countries:

Brazil, Canada, Portugal, Haiti, Angola, Mozambique, Italy, Spain, France, Germany, Monaco, San Marino, Austria, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Colombia, Honduras, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Venezuela, Mexico, Cuba, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Panama, Suriname, Netherlands, Belgium, Romania, Aruba, Curacao, St. Maarten, Dominican Republic, Togo, Ivory Coast, Rwanda, Morocco, Mauritania, Cameroon, French Guiana, Martinique , Guadeloupe, St. Barth, St. Pierre et Miquelon, French Polynesia, Algeria, Tunisia, Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Congo (Brazzaville) Democratic Republic of the Congo, Guinea Bissau, Djibouti, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Guinea, Madagascar, Niger, Senegal, Seychelles
1 (305) 397-8081
For a quote, send your documents by email 

Certified translations of documents from Costa Rica in Miami

We translate all types of personal and corporate documents from Costa Rica into English, for legal use in the USA, and also Canada, Australia and UK. Our certified translations have individually numbered affidavits of accuracy, notarized by a current State of Florida notary. Our affidavits can be checked on the Internet, without revealing any of the client's personal information.<p>

Birth certificate - Death certificate - Marriage certificate - Divorce decree - School diploma - School certificate - School transcript - University diploma - University transcript - Course outline - Police reports - Driver's licenses - Car registrations - Good conduct certificate - Notarizations - Court decrees and sentences - Affidavits - Personal letters - Emails - Income tax returns - Business registration - Bylaws - Articles of incorporation - Bank statements -Letters of reference - Banking letters - Wills - Arbitration - Contracts - Agreements - Baptism certificate - Course certificate -Employment records - Bills - Travel authorizations - Child custody document - Patents - Product registrations - Professional registration - Articles - Resumes - Powers of Attorney - Real Estate deeds - Appraisals etc.

Certified, notarized translations of documents from Chile in Miami

We translate all types of personal and corporate documents from Chile into English, for legal use in the USA, and also Canada, Australia and UK. Our certified translations have individually numbered affidavits of accuracy, notarized by a current State of Florida notary. Our affidavits can be checked on the Internet, without revealing any of the client's personal information.<p>

Birth certificate - Death certificate - Marriage certificate - Divorce decree - School diploma - School certificate - School transcript - University diploma - University transcript - Course outline - Police reports - Driver's licenses - Car registrations - Course certificate -Employment records - Bills - Travel authorizations - Child custody document - Patents - Product registrations - Professional registration - Articles - Resumes - Powers of Attorney - Real Estate deeds - Appraisals - Good conduct certificate - Notarizations - Court decrees and sentences - Affidavits - Personal letters - Emails - Income tax returns - Business registration - Bylaws - Articles of incorporation - Bank statements -Letters of reference - Banking letters - Wills - Arbitration - Contracts - Agreements - Baptism certificate

Certified translations of documents from Guatemala in Miami

We translate all types of personal and corporate documents from Guatemala into English, for legal use in the USA, and also Canada, Australia and UK. Our certified translations have individually numbered affidavits of accuracy, notarized by a current State of Florida notary. Our affidavits can be checked on the Internet, without revealing any of the client's personal information.<p>

Birth certificate - Death certificate - Marriage certificate - Divorce decree - School diploma - School certificate - School transcript - University diploma - University transcript - Course outline - Police reports - Driver's licenses - Car registrations - Good conduct certificate - Notarizations - Court decrees and sentences - Affidavits - Personal letters - Emails - Income tax returns - Business registration - Bylaws - Articles of incorporation - Bank statements -Letters of reference - Banking letters - Wills - Arbitration - Contracts - Agreements - Baptism certificate - Course certificate -Employment records - Bills - Travel authorizations - Child custody document - Patents - Product registrations - Professional registration - Articles - Resumes - Powers of Attorney - Real Estate deeds - Appraisals etc.

Certified translation of documents from Angola in Miami

We translate all types of personal and corporate documents from Angola into English, for legal use in the USA, and also Canada, Australia and UK. Our certified translations have individually numbered affidavits of accuracy, notarized by a current State of Florida notary. Our affidavits can be checked on the Internet, without revealing any of the client's personal information.

Birth certificate - Death certificate - Marriage certificate - Divorce decree - School diploma - School certificate - School transcript - University diploma - University transcript - Course outline - Police reports - Driver's licenses - Car registrations - Good conduct certificate - Notarizations - Court decrees and sentences - Affidavits - Personal letters - Emails - Income tax returns - Business registration - Bylaws - Articles of incorporation - Bank statements -Letters of reference - Banking letters - Wills - Arbitration - Contracts - Agreements - Baptism certificate - Course certificate -Employment records - Bills - Travel authorizations - Child custody document - Patents - Product registrations - Professional registration - Articles - Resumes - Powers of Attorney - Real Estate deeds - Appraisals etc.

Tradução juramentada de documentos brasileiros em Miami

Normalmente exigida para novo casamento, como comprovação de divórcio. Também exigida para processo de Green Card, pelo I.N.S., processos de naturalização, processos de divórcio, processos comerciais e cíveis, etc..
Geralmente não se emite “Certidão de Divórcio” no Brasil. Após transitar em julgado (tornar-se definitiva), o Tribunal emite uma ordem ao registro civil, exigindo a averbação do registro de casamento. A partir daí não é mais possível obter uma certidão de casamento, mas somente uma certidão de casamento com averbação de divórcio.
Visto que a certidão de nascimento é um documento de estado civil no Brasil, não pode ser emitida após o casamento e subsequente divórcio do indivíduo, pelo menos teoricamente. Sendo assim, a certidão de casamento com averbação de separação e divórcio substitui a certidão de nascimento como documento de identidade.  Normalmente é um documento de uma página, geralmente com frente e verso, contendo o texto da certidão de casamento de um lado e a averbação do divórcio e separação judicial no outro. Em alguns casos, as averbações ficam na mesma página do casamento. O divórcio existe no Brasil desde 1977, e embora atualmente já seja possível o divórcio direto, até recentemente era necessário obter uma separação ou desquite, antes de obter o divórcio. Este último pode ser pedido com processo de conversão. Assim é que a maioria das certidões de casamento com averbação de divórcio, mais antigas, contêm também a averbação da separação, e da conversão desta em divórcio.
IMPORTANTE – separação e divórcio não são a mesma coisa. A separação judicial não permite casamento, constituindo mera separação de corpos e bens, e término do vínculo matrimonial. Para casar-se novamente nos EUA é necessário obter a conversão da separação em divórcio.
No Brasil o cartório onde foi registrado o nascimento de um indivíduo deve ser informado sobre o estado civil, durante o resto da sua vida. O mesmo não ocorre nos E.U.A., por exemplo.
Às vezes o cliente não tem a certidão de casamento com averbação de divórcio, e de fato, em alguns casos, este não é suficiente para o fim pretendido. Neste caso, veja DOCUMENTOS DE DIVÓRCIO
Preço da tradução: US$60.00
Tel (212) 629-4541 – email:     Texto de Carlos de Paula. Não pode ser reproduzido sem permissão do autor.
Este site só contém informações pertinentes ao uso de traduções juramentadas de documentos brasileiros nos Estados Unidos. Não temos informações sobre o uso de traduções juramentadas de documentos brasileiros para uso em outros países. 
Tel (212) 629-4541 – email:     Texto de Carlos de Paula. Não pode ser reproduzido sem permissão do autor.
Este site só contém informações pertinentes ao uso de traduções juramentadas de documentos brasileiros nos Estados Unidos. Não temos informações sobre o uso de traduções juramentadas de documentos brasileiros para uso em outros países. 

Em alguns casos é necessário obter a tradução juramentada do conteúdo programático do seu curso de nutrição  brasileiro para o inglês, tanto para inscrição em cursos de pós-graduação no exterior, como para obtenção de licenças, inscrição em entidades e equivalências.

Para obter um orçamento, pedimos que salve o documento inteiro em um único pdf, e nos envie por email para Não é possível dar preço por páginas, pois neste tipo de documento a quantidade de palavras por página varia muito, e de fato, uma boa parte do texto geralmente não precisa ser traduzido e não é levado em consideração no preço final.
Pedimos que verifique a resolução do seu documento digitalizado antes de enviar.
Se for impossível digitalizar o documento, por qualquer razão, faça fotocópias das páginas e nos envie para o endereço indicado a seguir. Informamos que não devolvemos fotocópias, e que estas serão descartadas. Se enviar documentos pelo correio, não se esqueça de enviar uma folha com seu nome, número de telefone e email, para contato.
Por serem documentos longos, geralmente as traduções de conteúdos programáticos (também referidos como grade ou minuta de cursos) demoram de 2 semanas ou mais para ser concluídas.
Quaisquer perguntas podem ser respondidas em português. Os honorários podem ser pagos em dólares (cartão de crédito ou paypal) ou em reais (depósito em conta ou paypal)
Endereço para despacho de cópias
900 Bay Drive, ste 125
Miami Beach, FL 33141
Nossas traduções são, de modo geral, aceitas nos Estados Unidos, Grã Bretanha, Suíça, Finlândia, Austrália e Canadá.

Para mais informações sobre traduções juramentadas de outros tipos de documentos

Normalmente exigida para processo de Green Card, pelo I.N.S.. Entretanto, a certidão de nascimento frequentemente pode ser pedida por escolas, departamentos de registro civil (para casamento), processos de naturalização, etc..

A certidão de nascimento é um documento de estado civil no Brasil, e pelo menos teoricamente, não pode ser emitido após o casamento do indivíduo. Em alguns casos é emitido, com alusão ao casamento/separação e divórcio. Normalmente é um documento de uma página, alguns com frente e verso. No Estado de Goiás é emitido em forma de carteira, similar ao RG em tamanho.

Preço da tradução: US$50.00

Tel (212) 629-4541 – email: 


Normalmente exigida para processo de Green Card, pelo I.N.S., principalmente quanto a razão da petição é o próprio casamento. Entretanto, a certidão de casamento traduzida frequentemente pode ser pedida por seguradoras, processos de naturalização, processos de divórcio, etc..

Visto que a certidão de nascimento é um documento de estado civil no Brasil, não pode ser emitida após o casamento do indivíduo, pelo menos teoricamente. Sendo assim, substitui a certidão de nascimento como documento de identidade. Normalmente é um documento de uma página, alguns com frente e verso. No Estado de Goiás é emitido em forma de carteira, similar ao RG em tamanho. Às vezes, principalmente documentos mais velhos, pode ser emitido em forma narrativa e mais longa.

No Brasil o cartório onde foi registrado o nascimento de um indivíduo deve ser informado sobre o estado civil, durante o resto da sua vida. O mesmo não ocorre nos E.U.A., por exemplo.

Preço da tradução: US$50.00

Tel (212) 629-4541 – email: 


As escolas brasileiras emitem históricos do segundo grau, equivalente ao High School americano (veja ESTUDAR NOS EUA) durante ou após a conclusão do curso. Os históricos emitidos durante o curso geralmente indicam que o aluno está frequentando determinada série, indicando qual série concluiu. As notas do ano corrente não aparecem neste documento, que só contem as notas finais de anos concluídos. Para tanto é necessário obter o boletim de notas.

Os históricos de segundo grau podem variar bastante em termos de conteúdo e formato. A grande maioria é um impresso de uma página, com frente e verso, com o segundo grau na frente e o histórico do primeiro grau no verso. A grande maioria lista não somente as notas, como as respectivas cargas horárias, alguns incluindo o total. Alguns impressos têm colunas para quatro anos, embora a vasta maioria dos cursos de segundo grau no Brasil tenha só três anos.

Um bom número de históricos de segundo grau contêm certificados de conclusão, emitidos em lugar de diplomas. Os históricos não só indicam as notas e carga horária, mas também identificam as escolas frequentadas. Muitos históricos atuais, principalmente de escolas particulares, são impressos em impressoras laser ou matriciais, abolindo o uso de impressos. Muitos históricos mais antigos eram escritos à mão.  

Alguns históricos contêm a equivalência de notas e conceitos. Notem que a tradução sempre deve ser literal, sem haver interpretação de sistemas acadêmicos. Assim que ela nunca conterá uma equivalência, e sim as notas efetivamente obtidas, no sistema brasileiro.

São exigidos para matrícula no High School americano, para comprovação de escolaridade mínima junto à Imigração, para matrícula em faculdades, ou qualquer outra comprovação de escolaridade. 

Preço da tradução: Variável

Tel (212) 629-4541 – email:      Texto de Carlos de Paula. Não pode ser reproduzido sem permissão do autor.


Raramente exigida. Não existe carteira de identidade federal nos Estados Unidos, embora agora se discuta a instituição de tal documento. Entretanto, a tradução deste documento pode ser exigida em certos processos administrativos ou jurídicos, frequentemente devido a referência do número do documento em um outro documento (por exemplo, processo ou contrato). No caso de carteira de identidade de profissionais (CREA, OAB etc), como comprovação de registro profissional.

Documento com frente e verso, fotografia e impressão digital do indivíduo, em forma de carteirinha.

Preço da tradução: US$50.00


Normalmente usada para obtenção de carteira de motorista, seja como comprovação de experiência como condutor ou para transferência de carteira. Também usado para seguradoras.

Cada estado americano tem seu próprio “DETRAN” (DMV). E cada qual tem os seus critérios para aceitação ou não de carteiras de motorista estrangeiras para fins de troca. Efetivamente os acontecimentos de 11 de setembro fizeram com que a maioria dos DMV revisassem as suas políticas. Quando o DMV exige a carteira estrangeira, esta deve ser traduzida. Alguns DMV exigem que seja traduzida pelo Consulado Brasileiro, que não traduz documentos de nenhum tipo.

A tradução da carteira de motorista pode na realidade lhe economizar muito dinheiro. A carteira brasileira indica o tempo de habilitação do portador, que pode ser usado para diminuir o preço do seu seguro automobilístico. Se você tem pouco tempo de habilitação nos EUA, mas muitos anos no Brasil, deve estar pagando muito mais de seguro de automovel do que o necessário!

Preço da tradução: US$50.00


Geralmente exigidos para matricular crianças até o nível secundário. Nos últimos anos, diversas instituições de nível superior também tem pedido certificados de vacinação. 

Geralmente em forma de carteirinha, contém uma tabela razoavelmente padronizada no seu interior, no qual se anotam quais foram as vacinas tomadas, dose e data.

Preço da tradução: Geralmente $50.00. Raramente custam mais.

Tel (212) 629-4541 – email:      Texto de Carlos de Paula.


Contratos podem variar tremendamente em tamanho, conteúdo e propósito. De forma geral, podem ser exigidos em processos administrativos e jurídicos, especialmente comerciais, podendo também ser usados como provas em processos penais. Alguns tipos de contratos podem ser usados como comprovação de renda e residência em processos imigratórios, por exemplo, contratos de locação de imóveis. Também podem ser usados para fins privados.

Há diversos tipos de contratos, desde contratos de locação de imóveis, contratos de compra e venda de imóveis, contratos de doação, contratos de prestação de serviço, contratos de representação, distratos, contra de compra e venda de bens diversos, contrato de compra de produtos, contratos de comércio exterior, etc., etc. 

Envie o documento por email para obter o preço.

Preço da tradução: Variável

Tel (212) 629-4541 – email: 



Traduções juramentadas de conteúdos programáticos de cursos tecnológicos brasileiros em Miami

Traduzimos contéudos programáticos e históricos escolares para o inglês, para uso em inscrição em cursos no exterior. Entre outros cursos tecnológicos, encontram-se:

Análise Gerencial, Empreendimento, Gestão Comercial, Gestão da Cafeicultura Empresarial, Gestão da qualidade e Produtividade, Gestão da Segurança Empresarial, Gestão das Organizações do Terceiro Setor, Gestão de Cooperativas, Gestão de Franquias, Gerência de Manutenção Industrial, Gestão de Negócios, Gestão de Pequenas e Médias Empresas, Gestão de Segurança Privada, Gestão de Segurança Pública e Patrimonial, Gestão de Seguros e Previdência, Gestão de Trânsito e Transporte, Gestão de Planejamento Logístico, Gestão Empreendedora, Gestão Empresarial, Gestão em Segurança, Saúde e Meio-Ambiente, Gestão Estratégica das Organizações, Gestçao Mercadológica, Gestão Pública, Finanças Públicas e Auditoria Governamental, Logística Comercial, Negociação e Relacionamento Comercial, Negócios de Alimentação e Bebidas e Representação Comercial.

Estes cursos geralmente têm dois anos no Brasil, e são equiparáveis ao Associate Degree americano.Para informações sobre preços, etc

Traducción certificada de acta de defunción

El SalvadorPanama
Costa RicaRepublica Dominicana
Puerto RicoPara uso en
Social Security, etc.

Traducciones de actas de nacimiento colombianas en Miami

NotarizadasSolo US$ 50,00

Para la Inmigración, Universidades, Escuelas, Tribunales, seguros, etc
Ubicados en Miami. Servicio confidencial.

Übersetzungen deutscher Geburtsurkunden - auf Miami

US $ 50,00 Für Immigration, Universitäten, Schulen, Gerichte, Versicherungen, etc.

Traducciones de actas de nacimiento mexicanas en Miami

Notarizadas Solo US$ 50,00 Para la Inmigración, Universidades, Escuelas, Tribunales, seguros, etc

Traducciones de actas de nacimiento cubanas en Miami

NotarizadasSolo US$ 50,00
Para la Inmigración, Universidades, Escuelas, Tribunales, seguros, etc

Ubicados en Miami. Servicio confidencial.

Certified translations of documents from Algeria, in Miami

Documents issued in Algeria, in French, may require certified, notarized translations prepared by a translation company such as Legal Translation Systems. These certified, notarized translations may be required for use before U.S. immigration, schools, universities, banks, official agencies such as Social Security, companies in general, insurance companies, hospitals, mortgage companies, condominium associations, Courts of all types, ecclesiastical authorities.

Among the documents from Algeria that might require official, certified translations are

Birth certificates
Marriage certificates
Death certificates
Baptism certificates
School and university transcripts
Certificates of completion
Powers of attorney
Bank statement
Income tax return
Corporate tax return
Business registration
Last Will
Bylaws of companies
Articles of incorporation
Medical statements
Medical reports
Medical exams
Good conduct certificate
Police report
Course outlines
Letters of reference
Letters of recommendation
Pay stubs
Court decrees and sentences
Court proceedings
News clippings
Driver's licenses
Personal documents (Ids)
Business licenses

The translations prepared by Legal Translation Systems are notarized by a notary accredited by the State of Florida, and can be used throughout the USA. Each certified translation has a numbered Affidavit of Accuracy, which authenticity can be verified on the Internet, without revealing any of the client's personal information.

You do not need to submit originals of documents. Copies or scanned copies may be submitted, by email, fax or regular mail. For additional information

Certified, Notarized Translations of Foreign Course Outlines for Use in English Speaking Countries in Miami

In certain cases it might be necessary for you to have your course outlines (also referred as syllabus) for use in the United States. Generally, these are required for enrollment in graduate school, licensing or equivalency of professional qualifications.

Put all your documents into a single PDF, and send it, without any obligation to Always check the legibility of your scanned copies before sending it for appraisal. If you are unable to send the documents digitally, make copies of what you have (never send originals) and send it to

LEGAL TRANSLATION SYSTEMS 900 Bay Drive, ste 125 Miami Beach, FL 33141 (our mailing address - for walk-in address call 305 397-8081
Please notice that we do not return originals.

Generally course outlines are complex and long documents, and a few weeks might be required to complete the job. You are expected to pay for service in advance, paying by credit or debit card, or via paypal. You will always be quoted a price in American dollars.
If you want, we can have the document sent directly to the University in the USA, sending you a pdf of the translation free of charge.
We only translate the actual course descriptions, omitting bibliographies, evaluation methods and items of this type.
Our translations contain a certified, notarized affidavit of accuracy which can be verified on the Internet, without disclosing your personal information. In all cases, the translation is prepared by a translator who is a member of the American Translators Association.

Any queries will be answered in English.

Our translations are regularly used and accepted in the USA, UK, Australia, Canada, Finland and Switzerland
We translate Course Outlines of the following type of programs (among others)
Architecture Law Medicine Food Science Animal Science Psychology Mine Engineering Civil Engineering Information Technology Business Administration Economics Physical Therapy Nursing Travel Management Hospitality Languages History Philosophy Metallurgical Engineering Communication Marketing Advertising Sociology Philosophy Oceanography Geology Chemistry Environmental Sciences Electronic Engineering Production Engineering Aviation Engineering Physics Biology Biomedicine Accounting Agriculture Ecology Nutrition Dentistry Art Liberal Arts Physical Education Nuclear Engineering Finances Foreign Trade Political Science International Relations Film Translation Linguistics Religion Fashion Design Industrial Design

Certified Translations of Course Outlines from Brazil in Miami

In certain cases it might be necessary for you to have your course outlines (also referred as syllabus) for use in the United States. Generally, these are required for enrollment in graduate school, licensing or equivalency of professional qualifications.

Put all your documents into a single PDF, and send it, without any obligation to Always check the legibility of your scanned copies before sending it for appraisal. If you are unable to send the documents digitally, make copies of what you have (never send originals) and send it to

LEGAL TRANSLATION SYSTEMS 900 Bay Drive, ste 125 Miami Beach, FL 33141 (this is only our mailing office)
Please notice that we do not return originals.

Generally course outlines are complex and long documents, and a few weeks might be required to complete the job. You are expected to pay for service in advance, paying by credit or debit card, or via paypal. You will always be quoted a price in American dollars.
If you want, we can have the document sent directly to the University in the USA, sending you a pdf of the translation free of charge.

We only translate the actual course descriptions, omitting bibliographies, evaluation methods and items of this type.
Our translations contain a certified, notarized affidavit of accuracy which can be verified on the Internet, without disclosing your personal information. In all cases, the translation is prepared by a translator who is a member of the American Translators Association.

Any queries will be answered in English.

Our translations are regularly used and accepted in the USA, UK, Australia, Canada, Finland and Switzerland

Certified translation of documents issued in Haiti, in Miami

Documents issued in Haiti, in French, may require certified, notarized translations prepared by a translation company such as Legal Translation Systems. These certified, notarized translations may be required for use before U.S. immigration, schools, universities, banks, official agencies such as Social Security, companies in general, insurance companies, hospitals, mortgage companies, condominium associations, Courts of all types, ecclesiastical authorities.

Among the documents from Haiti that might require official, certified translations are

Birth certificates
Marriage certificates
Death certificates
Baptism certificates
School and university transcripts
Certificates of completion
Powers of attorney
Bank statement
Income tax return
Corporate tax return
Business registration
Last Will
Bylaws of companies
Articles of incorporation
Medical statements
Medical reports
Medical exams
Good conduct certificate
Police report
Course outlines
Letters of reference
Letters of recommendation
Pay stubs
Court decrees and sentences
Court proceedings
News clippings
Driver's licenses
Personal documents (Ids)
Business licenses

The translations prepared by Legal Translation Systems are notarized by a notary accredited by the State of Florida, and can be used throughout the USA. Each certified translation has a numbered Affidavit of Accuracy, which authenticity can be verified on the Internet, without revealing any of the client's personal information.

You do not need to submit originals of documents. Copies or scanned copies may be submitted, by email, fax or regular mail. For additional information

Certified translation of documents from Morocco in Miami

Documents issued in Morocco, in French, may require certified, notarized translations prepared by a translation company such as Legal Translation Systems. These certified, notarized translations may be required for use before U.S. immigration, schools, universities, banks, official agencies such as Social Security, companies in general, insurance companies, hospitals, mortgage companies, condominium associations, Courts of all types, ecclesiastical authorities.

Among the documents from Morocco that might require official, certified translations are

Birth certificates
Marriage certificates
Death certificates
Baptism certificates
School and university transcripts
Certificates of completion
Powers of attorney
Bank statement
Income tax return
Corporate tax return
Business registration
Last Will
Bylaws of companies
Articles of incorporation
Medical statements
Medical reports
Medical exams
Good conduct certificate
Police report
Course outlines
Letters of reference
Letters of recommendation
Pay stubs
Court decrees and sentences
Court proceedings
News clippings
Driver's licenses
Personal documents (Ids)
Business licenses

The translations prepared by Legal Translation Systems are notarized by a notary accredited by the State of Florida, and can be used throughout the USA. Each certified translation has a numbered Affidavit of Accuracy, which authenticity can be verified on the Internet, without revealing any of the client's personal information.

You do not need to submit originals of documents. Copies or scanned copies may be submitted, by email, fax or regular mail. For additional information

Certified translations of documents from the Dominican Republic in Miami

We translate all types of personal and corporate documents from the Dominican Republic into English, for legal use in the USA, and also Canada, Australia and UK. Our certified translations have individually numbered affidavits of accuracy, notarized by a current State of Florida notary. Our affidavits can be checked on the Internet, without revealing any of the client's personal information.

Birth certificate - Death certificate - Marriage certificate - Divorce decree - School diploma - School certificate - School transcript - University diploma - University transcript - Course outline - Police reports - Driver's licenses - Car registrations - Good conduct certificate - Notarizations - Court decrees and sentences - Affidavits - Personal letters - Emails - Income tax returns - Business registration - Bylaws - Articles of incorporation - Bank statements -Letters of reference - Banking letters - Wills - Arbitration - Contracts - Agreements - Baptism certificate - Course certificate -Employment records - Bills - Travel authorizations - Child custody document - Patents - Product registrations - Professional registration - Articles - Resumes - Powers of Attorney - Real Estate deeds - Appraisals etc.

Certified translations of documents from Bolivia in Miami

We translate all types of personal and corporate documents from Bolivia into English, for legal use in the USA, and also Canada, Australia and UK. Our certified translations have individually numbered affidavits of accuracy, notarized by a current State of Florida notary. Our affidavits can be checked on the Internet, without revealing any of the client's personal information.

Birth certificate - Death certificate - Marriage certificate - Divorce decree - School diploma - School certificate - School transcript - University diploma - University transcript - Course outline - Police reports - Driver's licenses - Car registrations - Good conduct certificate - Notarizations - Court decrees and sentences - Affidavits - Personal letters - Emails - Income tax returns - Business registration - Bylaws - Articles of incorporation - Bank statements -Letters of reference - Banking letters - Wills - Arbitration - Contracts - Agreements - Baptism certificate - Course certificate -Employment records - Bills - Travel authorizations - Child custody document - Patents - Product registrations - Professional registration - Articles - Resumes - Powers of Attorney - Real Estate deeds - Appraisals etc.

Certified translations of documents from Portugal in Miami

We translate all types of personal and corporate documents from Portugal into English, for legal use in the USA, and also Canada, Australia and UK. Our certified translations have individually numbered affidavits of accuracy, notarized by a current State of Florida notary. Our affidavits can be checked on the Internet, without revealing any of the client's personal information.

Birth certificate - Death certificate - Marriage certificate - Divorce decree - School diploma - School certificate - School transcript - University diploma - University transcript - Course outline - Police reports - Driver's licenses - Car registrations - Good conduct certificate - Notarizations - Court decrees and sentences - Affidavits - Personal letters - Emails - Income tax returns - Business registration - Bylaws - Articles of incorporation - Bank statements -Letters of reference - Banking letters - Wills - Arbitration - Contracts - Agreements - Baptism certificate - Course certificate -Employment records - Bills - Travel authorizations - Child custody document - Patents - Product registrations - Professional registration - Articles - Resumes - Powers of Attorney - Real Estate deeds - Appraisals etc.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Certified translations of documents from Honduras in Miami


We translate all types of personal and corporate documents from Hondurasinto English, for legal use in the USA, and also Canada, Australia and UK. Our certified translations have individually numbered affidavits of accuracy, notarized by a current State of Florida notary. Our affidavits can be checked on the Internet, without revealing any of the client's personal information.
Birth certificate - Death certificate - Marriage certificate - Divorce decree - School diploma - School certificate - School transcript - University diploma - University transcript - Course outline - Police reports - Driver's licenses - Car registrations - Good conduct certificate - Notarizations - Court decrees and sentences - Affidavits - Personal letters - Emails - Income tax returns - Business registration - Bylaws - Articles of incorporation - Bank statements -Letters of reference - Banking letters - Wills - Arbitration - Contracts - Agreements - Baptism certificate - Course certificate -Employment records - Bills - Travel authorizations - Child custody document - Patents - Product registrations - Professional registration - Articles - Resumes - Powers of Attorney - Real Estate deeds - Appraisals etc.

Certified translations of documents from Paraguay in Miami


We translate all types of personal and corporate documents from Paraguay into English, for legal use in the USA, and also Canada, Australia and UK. Our certified translations have individually numbered affidavits of accuracy, notarized by a current State of Florida notary. Our affidavits can be checked on the Internet, without revealing any of the client's personal information.
Birth certificate - Death certificate - Marriage certificate - Divorce decree - School diploma - School certificate - School transcript - University diploma - University transcript - Course outline - Police reports - Driver's licenses - Car registrations - Good conduct certificate - Notarizations - Court decrees and sentences - Affidavits - Personal letters - Emails - Income tax returns - Business registration - Bylaws - Articles of incorporation - Bank statements -Letters of reference - Banking letters - Wills - Arbitration - Contracts - Agreements - Baptism certificate - Course certificate -Employment records - Bills - Travel authorizations - Child custody document - Patents - Product registrations - Professional registration - Articles - Resumes - Powers of Attorney - Real Estate deeds - Appraisals etc.

Certified translations of documents for the IRS and other taxation authorities in Miami


Every once in a while, if you are a foreign national (or even American) taxpayer, you might be required to have some documents translated for proof before the IRS and other taxation authorities in the USA. Normally, this requirement is asked if you have received a large transfer of funds from overseas, or whether you have worked abroad for a number of years. The purpose of the taxation authority is to ascertain the origin of the funds. You might also have to prove that you lived abroad for an ~x~ number of years, for application of State residence taxation rules
In that connection, you might be required to have one or all of the following translated by Legal Translation Systems:
Bank statements
Credit card statements
Contract of sale of real estate
Contract of sale of company
Contract of sale of personal property
Investment statements
Brokerage account statements
Foreign income tax return
Other documents as required by the taxation authority
We translate such documents from Portuguese, Spanish, French, Italian. Please send the documents for a quote

Certified translations of Passports into English in Miami


All passports are written in English, in addition to the language of the issuer of the passport, for English is the international language of the day.
However, every once in a while, American authorities might require the translation of stamps of any additional information provided in identification and visa pages of passports.
In such cases, you must scan all pages with information that must be translated, and submit it for quote at
The price will depend on how much information is to be translated.

FAQ - Do certified translations have expiration dates?


In a nutshell, no.
Every certified translation prepared according to USA standards has a date of issue, and must be notarized by a Notary Public who had a valid accreditation from the State at the time of issue of the document. The Notary's stamp mentions the expiration of the Notary's credential, however, this has nothing to do with the translation. As long as the expiration date of the Notary's credential occurs after the date of issue of the translation you are fine.
Which does not mean that a U.S. counterpart may not require a more recent translation of a certain document, for a number of reasons. For instance, a recent translation of a marriage or divorce record might be required, as proof of marital status of the person, for in some countries, these documents contain marital status updates.
The rule of thumb is, always provide what is being requested.

Certified translations of Spanish documents

Our headquarters are located in a convenient location in Miami Beach, with plentiful, inexpensive parking nearby. We also had drop off-pick up locations in Long Island City (New York City) and Pompano Beach (Florida).At the present time we provide translations of documents from Portuguese, Spanish, Catalan, Galician, Italian, French, German, Dutch, Romanian into English, but will be adding other languages shortly.
Our numbered affidavits of accuracy come with a seal, and their authenticity can be ascertained on the Internet (while fully protecting the client's identifying data).
Among the types of Spanish documents we translate are:
  • Birth certificates
  • Marriage certificates
  • Divorce certificates
  • Death certificates
  • Pre-nuptial agreements
  • Baptism certificates
  • Diplomas
  • Certificates
  • Transcripts
  • Bank statements
  • Course outlines
  • Letters of reference
  • Vaccination cards
  • Affidavits of support
  • Personal documents
  • Report cards
  • Bank statements (totals converted to USD)
  • Banking references
  • Letters from accountants
  • Bylaws
  • Articles of incorporation
  • Business licenses
  • Contracts
  • Real estate registration
  • Income tax returns
  • Pension documents
  • Payment slips
  • Foreign exchange documents
  • Money remittance documents
  • Military records
  • Professional reference
  • Newspaper, magazine, internet articles (as evidence for Immigration cases - special talent, refugee petitions)
  • Petitions
  • Scientific articles and abstracts
  • Police reports
  • Medical bills
  • Property appraisal
  • Medical reports
  • Medical exams
  • Driver's licenses
  • Hospital records
  • DNA Exams
  • Personal identification documents
  • Legal proceedings
  • Property title (homes, boats, cars)
  • Rogatory letters
  • Financial statements
  • Invoices
  • Credit reports
  • Business correspondence and emails
  • Private correspondence and emails
  • Power of attorney
  • Children's custody document
  • Wills
Legal Translation Systems has served over 35,000 clients, since 1982, in almost every State in the USA, and other countries in several continents as well. We specialize on certified, notarized translations of private and corporate documents into English for immigration, schools, universities, courts, insurance companies, licensing boards, banks, and wherever else such documents might be required. We provide fast, accurate service at reasonable rates. Among our clients are Fortune 500 companies, top law firms, international companies.
Services can be paid by credit card, debit card, paypal or cash.
For local service, set up an appointment.
220 71st Street, room 217
Miami Beach, FL 33141
One block from Collins Avenue
Phone (305) 397- 8081. Call for appointment For Out of State callers, toll-free (877) 626-0642
Fax (212) 786-7241 (virtual fax)

Our office hours are from Monday through Friday, 10 A.M. to 6 P.M.

Translating documents from Brazil, Canada, Portugal, Haiti, Angola, Mozambique, Italy, Spain, France, Germany, Monaco, San Marino, Austria, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Colombia, Honduras, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Venezuela, Mexico, Cuba, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Panama, Suriname, Netherlands, Belgium, Romania, Aruba, Curacao, St. Maarten, Dominican Republic, Togo, Ivory Coast, Rwanda, Morocco, Mauritania, Cameroon, French Guiana, Martinique , Guateloupe, St. Barth, St. Pierre et Miquelon, French Polynesia, Algeria, Tunisia, Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Congo (Brazzaville) Democratic Republic of the Congo, Guinea Bissau, Djibouti, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Guinea, Madagascar, Niger, Senegal, Seychelles

Certified translations of Ecuadorean documents

Our headquarters are located in a convenient location in Miami Beach, with plentiful, inexpensive parking nearby. We also had drop off-pick up locations in Long Island City (New York City) and Pompano Beach (Florida).At the present time we provide translations of documents from Portuguese, Spanish, Catalan, Galician, Italian, French, German, Dutch, Romanian into English, but will be adding other languages shortly.
Our numbered affidavits of accuracy come with a seal, and their authenticity can be ascertained on the Internet (while fully protecting the client's identifying data).
Among the types of Ecuadorean documents we translate are:
  • Birth certificates
  • Marriage certificates
  • Divorce certificates
  • Death certificates
  • Pre-nuptial agreements
  • Baptism certificates
  • Diplomas
  • Certificates
  • Transcripts
  • Bank statements
  • Course outlines
  • Letters of reference
  • Vaccination cards
  • Affidavits of support
  • Payment slips
  • Foreign exchange documents
  • Money remittance documents
  • Military records
  • Professional reference
  • Newspaper, magazine, internet articles (as evidence for Immigration cases - special talent, refugee petitions)
  • Petitions
  • Scientific articles and abstracts
  • Police reports
  • Medical bills
  • Personal documents
  • Report cards
  • Bank statements (totals converted to USD)
  • Banking references
  • Letters from accountants
  • Bylaws
  • Articles of incorporation
  • Business licenses
  • Contracts
  • Real estate registration
  • Income tax returns
  • Pension documents
  • Property appraisal
  • Medical reports
  • Medical exams
  • Driver's licenses
  • Hospital records
  • DNA Exams
  • Personal identification documents
  • Legal proceedings
  • Property title (homes, boats, cars)
  • Rogatory letters
  • Financial statements
  • Invoices
  • Credit reports
  • Business correspondence and emails
  • Private correspondence and emails
  • Power of attorney
  • Children's custody document
  • Wills
Legal Translation Systems has served over 35,000 clients, since 1982, in almost every State in the USA, and other countries in several continents as well. We specialize on certified, notarized translations of private and corporate documents into English for immigration, schools, universities, courts, insurance companies, licensing boards, banks, and wherever else such documents might be required. We provide fast, accurate service at reasonable rates. Among our clients are Fortune 500 companies, top law firms, international companies.
Services can be paid by credit card, debit card, paypal or cash.
For local service, set up an appointment.
220 71st Street, room 217
Miami Beach, FL 33141
One block from Collins Avenue
Phone (305) 397- 8081. Call for appointment For Out of State callers, toll-free (877) 626-0642
Fax (212) 786-7241 (virtual fax)

Our office hours are from Monday through Friday, 10 A.M. to 6 P.M.

Translating documents from Brazil, Canada, Portugal, Haiti, Angola, Mozambique, Italy, Spain, France, Germany, Monaco, San Marino, Austria, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Colombia, Honduras, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Venezuela, Mexico, Cuba, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Panama, Suriname, Netherlands, Belgium, Romania, Aruba, Curacao, St. Maarten, Dominican Republic, Togo, Ivory Coast, Rwanda, Morocco, Mauritania, Cameroon, French Guiana, Martinique , Guateloupe, St. Barth, St. Pierre et Miquelon, French Polynesia, Algeria, Tunisia, Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Congo (Brazzaville) Democratic Republic of the Congo, Guinea Bissau, Djibouti, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Guinea, Madagascar, Niger, Senegal, Seychelles